Charity Donation Drop-off Sessions

November 22, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Charity Donation Drop-off Sessions

Charity Donation Drop-Off Sessions

You can drop at various times – see poster above for details

We want to make the most of Exeter Street Hall’s role as a community hub this winter so we’re hosting a number of charity donation drop-off sessions on various times and dates in November.

We will be collecting:

  • food and toiletries for the Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project and the Real Junk Food Project
  • gifts (unwrapped) for families helped by Pelican Parcels
  • winter clothing and toiletries for the Give Street Project and Care4Calais Brighton

We would really appreciate it if:

  • you only bring items listed on the lists attached below
  • food is unopened, in date, not homemade and is nut-free
  • clothes are clean and good quality (something you’d give to a friend) – sorted by age is always a massive help too 🙂


  • Food cupboard items (not fresh, not homemade, in-date, unopened)
  • Warm, clean clothing for men and women
  • Toiletries for men, women, children
  • Nappies from newborn
  • Unwrapped, new toys for children
  • Festive wrapping paper, gift bags and tape
  • Wrapped sweets and chocolate
  • Cash and card donations


  • Unseasonal items (eg summer clothing, swimwear)
  • Ripped, old, tired clothing
  • Partywear, high-heels
  • Car seats
  • Pushchairs
  • Baby / child feeding items
  • Used toys

Volunteers will be dropping donations to organisations and we don’t want to burden charities and charity shops with unusable / inappropriate items. Storage is expensive and the Hall has none. So please be mindful as to what you bring – thank you.


You can drop off items at the Hall at the following times:

  • Stay & Play, Tuesdays in November 9:30-11:30
  • Prestonville Friday Friends, Fridays in November 12:45 – 2:00pm
  • Wednesday 22 November between 4-6pm
  • Wednesday 29 November between 4-6pm
  • Pudding Club – Sunday 3 December (for Xmas items only – everything else will have been donated by the end of November)

We would really appreciate items on these lists or financial donations via the links below:

Feel free to get in touch with Kate ([email protected] or 0798 0798 442) if you:

  • have questions
  • know of other organisations looking for donations
  • would like to help at one of the Wednesday evening donation and swap events
  • could help to deliver donations.

Thank you for all you do to support the Hall, our community and other organisations – it makes a massive difference.


RealJunkFood Project

Our local RJF Project hosted at St. Luke’s Prestonville is welcoming donations of food cupboard staples and toiletries.

The Real Junk Food Project Brighton is part of the Real Junk Food Project network, created by Adam Smith. It is a national and international movement of cafes, projects and pop-ups with one core objective: To intercept food waste destined for land fill and use it to feed people who need it, on a ‘pay as you feel’ basis.

Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project

 BUCFP are welcoming men’s clothes, food donations, toiletries, nappies, festive sweets and chocolate for kids.

BUCFP provide practical support, education, advice and much more to those in poverty, in poor living conditions, benefit claimants, the unwaged, pensioners, families and those on low incomes and suffering social exclusion and poor wellbeing.

Give Street Project

Give Street Project regularly updates their Give List –

Give Street Project CIC is a registered Community Interest Company set up to bring communities together to help and support people, families and pets who are experiencing homelessness, low income and food insecurity.

 Pelican Parcels Christmas

Collection –

Pelican Parcels is a charity that works with families in poverty in Brighton & Hove.

Last Christmas they provided presents for nearly 2,000 children and their families across our city, ensuring that ‘Santa’ visited all local children. Christmas can be a really tough time for families with the promise of ‘Santa’, so every year their ‘Secret Santa’ campaign supports families who can’t afford Christmas presents.

They want to make sure that no child or their parent/carer is left with nothing for Christmas. They will be giving presents to children and their parents, ensuring everyone gets something to make them feel special on Christmas day. To do that, they need our help.

They’re asking people who can afford it, to buy gifts ranging between £5 – £20 for children and adults.  Ideally toys and games that are not battery operated (so we don’t add that expense to families). They also request that gifts aren’t too personalised eg no clothing, jewellery, makeup, perfume (pyjamas and hat/scarf sets being the exception, but not Christmas themed please).

There is a suggested gift list on Amazon to give you an idea of the types of things they need for families.

Amazon wishlist

Buying local – You can shop online or they’re also working in partnership with local toys shops as we’d love people to shop local and support our local businesses.


103 Portland Rd, Hove, BN3 5DP

The wonderful independent toy store in Hove specialising in quality wooden and plastic-free toys, games and crafts.

IN-STORE and ONLINE: use the code PELICANPARCELS for 10% off your purchases, plus your gift will automatically be sent to Pelican Parcels.


9 Gardner Street, Brighton, BN1 1UP

Whirligig the much loved North Laine shop specialising in creative toys that engage children in things to make and do.

ONLINE: use the code PELICAN for 10% off your purchases , plus your gift will automatically be sent to Pelican Parcels.

IN-STORE: just mention Pelican Parcels at the till and Whirligig will put your gift aside for Pelican Parcels.

Alternatively, you can also buy a voucher online (or in shop) and Pelican Parcels can use the money to buy gifts for families.



Meg & Milo are a family run online business which launched in 2020.

This year, Meg & Milo will match 25% of all donations.

Use code PELICAN at checkout and you won’t be charged shipping, your purchase will be delivered directly to Pelican Parcels.


If you are shopping at stores other than those listed above, please can your Christmas donations be sent to Pelican Parcels unwrapped – although gift bags, wrapping paper and cellotape are gratefully received – as every family will get these to help them get ready for the big day.

Care4Calais Brighton

Care4Calais Brighton are distributing items to refugees and  are very happy to receive men and women’s clothes and toiletries, but they don’t need children’s toys, thank you.

Clothes should be new or as good as new. They should be appropriate for the season. Warm and waterproof clothing, such as winter coats/ jackets are particularly useful.

New toiletries will also be gratefully received.