Pugs of the Frozen North 14-15 December

December 15, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Foundry Group
Winners: OffestEnd.com’s OffFEST Award for Theatre, 2022/Argus Angel for Artistic Excellence 2014 / Best Fringe Show, Chris Neville Awards 2013 / Best Actress Brighton Festival 2013 / Best Theatre Buxton Fringe 2011 / Best Actor Brighton Festival 2011 / FringeGuru Editor’s Choice 2011In association with The Book Nook presents Pugs of the Frozen North
by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyreAdapted for the stage by
Philip Reeve and Brian Mitchell
Music by Brian Mitchell
Suitability: 5+
The Race to the Top of the World! It comes around once in a lifetime, and the prize? Your heart’s desire. Shen and Sika can’t resist the chance to win, but competition is fierce. The path to victory is littered with snow trolls, sea monsters, and a gang of particularly hungry yetis. But Shen and Sika have something the other contestants don’t have. Actually, they have 66 other things; pugs to be exact. That’s a 264 paw-powered sled.Let the race begin!This well-loved childrens’ book by the best-selling team of Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre returns to Exeter Street Hall, Brighton, in this unique, hands-on collaboration between the authors and the award-winning theatre company The Foundry Group that proved a sell-out smash in 2020. With songs by Brian Mitchell (composer of The Ministry of Biscuits, co-written with Philip Reeve), a cast including Emma Haworth (A Christmas Carol – Preston Manor) and Murray Simon (Underdogs – Rialto Theatre), designs by Reeve and McIntyre themselves, and a chance for younger audience members to play the eponymous, yipping sleigh dogs, Pugs of The Frozen North promises fun and excitement for all the family.

For more information visit www.foundrygroup.co.uk
or facebook.com/TheFoundryGroup/
or @FoundryGroupUK

Buy tickets here or pay cash on the door.

Event Details

Doors Open at 4:00PM
From 4:30PM to 5:30PM