Repair Cafe

April 14, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

14 April,12th May and 9th June: 10:00am – 12noon

It’s all too easy to throw away broken products, especially if an item is cheap to replace or it’s difficult to get advice about how to fix it. There are many benefits to extending the life of a product and not just in financial terms. Repair cafes are free meeting places where friends and neighbours can gather for a chat and a cuppa. They also encourage members of a community to share their skills with others. They also encourage sustainability – by fixing things we can help reduce waste and the demand for new materials.
What we can fix depends on the availability of volunteers. If you want to ask about a particular item, please give us details via the website.

For more information about Repair Cafes click here. If you would like to offer electrical carpentry, mechanical or any other useful skills please contact contact Pete Golton ([email protected]).