Scaravelli style inquisitive Yoga classes. Eight week course starting February 5th, 2016 and finsihing on March 25th, 2016.
Further details from Tamzin on 07909 901620
There are many different ways to bring yoga into your lives. In these two yoga sessions I will endeavour to bring many elements of yoga practice to you and to encourage a personal journey in a shared space. The sessions will include physical yoga movements (asanas) but also incorporate ideas and exercises from other complementary practices like Body mind centering, release practices, Feldenkrais, Qi gong and improvisational dance. There will be a focus on breathing exercises and mindfulness and on positive powerful minds. There may sometimes be music and sometimes silence. I will lead the practice but encourage you to listen, feel and respond to your own bodies in each moment. The sessions will encourage patience and love for your own bodies and there will be no external pressure to arrive at any one place. The sessions will allow for each individual to take what you need from the practice, be that a rigorous physical training, a rejuvenated mind and body or a relaxed feeling. Friday is a day full of hope, excited energy and tiredness. In these sessions you will be encouraged to find a peaceful, renewed positive energy and vitality to take you into the weekend.
‘Yoga… it is a living process that changes moment by moment, watching when we eat. How we eat, when we walk, how we walk, what we say and how we say it. All these things must be present in us and we must be passionately interested in them all.’
Vanda Scaravelli
Tamzin is a local mum, home educator, contemporary dancer/teacher and a yoga teacher. After many years exploring movement through dance and yoga she did the YHM Yoga Teacher Training in Goa in 2015 based on principles inspired by Vanda Scaravelli. She is now teaching around Brighton, offering one to one BespokeYoga sessions and teaching for the Brighton Dance Network CPD sessions at Brighton University. Tamzin is passionate about sharing yoga with all people, encouraging an increased connectedness with our bodies, the power of positive thought and a mindful approach to life, the world and other people.