FareShare Community Food Drop at the Hall

Dropping in? Bring a Tin!

Donate food to our FareShare Food Drop and help fight food poverty in our city.

Our recently launched Community Food Drop enables visitors to the Hall to donate non-perishable food to our charity partner Fareshare, who then distribute it to over 80 community groups across Brighton and Sussex.

Food poverty is sadly a growing problem in our city, but we’ve already got off to a fantastic start, we dropped our latest contributions to FareShare’s warehouse this week, and so far we have provided the equivalent of 73 meals for those that need it. esh_food_banner2_73Look out for our blue “Feed Me” box in the Hall’s entrance and if you’re dropping in, please do bring a tin! Thanks so much.

Visit http://faresharesussex.org.uk/ for more information.