Congratulations to the two Winners of the Festive Windows Competition 2020.
Thank you for your wonderful entries to this year’s competition. After much deliberation, our Art Class judges have decided on the following winners.
Winner of the Under 12’s Category
Nancy Willis of 8 Chatsworth Court, Chatsworth Road. A spectacular window featuring the Brighton skyline.
Winner of the General Entry Category
The Miles Family (Suzie, Sebastian, Jonah & Frankie) of 62 Exeter Street. A dazzling Gruffalo window – and a family team effort!
We hope you agree they are worthy winners.
Thanks again to Ed at The Sussex Peasant and Rew at Floored for their kind sponsorship.
And thank you to our volunteer judges who had a really tough job!
Exeter Street Hall’s Own Display
Have you wondered past the Hall at night? Do check out our wonderful display!
With thanks to Mike, Marianne, Dave and an anonymous donor.