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16-17 Exeter Street

Exeter Street Hall is within easy walking distance of the Seven Dials (an area which straddles what was previously the old border between Brighton and Hove) and also BHASVIC and Port Hall Road, both of which are slightly closer.

If you are travelling by public transport to Exeter Street Hall, the nearest bus stops are:-

Seven Dials – No. 7 (Brighton & Hove Buses)
BHASVIC – No. 47 (The Big Lemon Bus Company)
BHASVIC and Port Hall Road – No. 27 and 77 (Brighton & Hove Buses)

And the nearest train stations are:-

Brighton Station – No. 7 to Seven Dials (Brighton & Hove Buses)
Hove Station – No. 7 to Seven Dials (Brighton & Hove Buses)

Car parking is extremely limited in the immediate vicinity of Exeter Street Hall and wherever possible we would encourage you to avoid travelling by car to events at the Hall.