Exeter Street Community Hall Ltd, the charitable Community Benefit Society that owns and runs Exeter Street Hall, is managed by a group of Directors (equivalent to the Trustees of a registered charity). These are appointed in accordance with our Rules and are voted in at the AGM. Other people can be co-opted to the Management Committee to contribute specific skills.
The Management Committee meets monthly (sometimes more often if required) to ensure the Society is being run effectively and that we are complying with the rules and regulations that govern the running of a social enterprise business and public venue. They also steer the society’s strategy and ensure that the books are balanced.
Current Members of the Management Committee
Robin Bailey, Director
Jo Camplisson, Treasurer and Director
Dave Fellows, Chair and Director
Rosie Dewick, Director
Graham Thomas, Secretary and Director
The Hall Manager reports to the Management Committee and usually attends committee meetings.
The Committee can be contacted by email to [email protected]